The Costly Fourth of July., p. 3

Dublin Core


The Costly Fourth of July., p. 3


"Those useful persons, the statisticians, whose work usually makes us wiser, if not always happier, have figured up that our lst Fourth of July celebration cost this country the lives of not less than 377 men, women and children, the wounding and maiming of about 2000 more, and a property loss estimated at about $3,689,000.
If this sacrifice of life, limb and property were really necessary in any sense, or if it contributed in the slightest degree to our National well-being, we might cheerfully submit to it as a patriotic duty; but when we realize as all must, that this annual holocaust, with all the misery and suffering consequent upon it is only a concession made to the pure love of noise and hullabaloo which possesses small children and savages in common, it might well be asked whether it is not high time that a stop was put once for all to these barbaric and destructive proceedings.
In view of the actual results of our Independence Day orgies, we might well apply to it, in paraphrase, the saying of Madame Roland, “O patriotism; how many nuisances are committed in thy name!” -Leslie’s Weekly."


From Leslie's Weekly


Savannah Tribune





From Leslie's Weekly, “The Costly Fourth of July., p. 3,” African American Fourth of July, accessed April 27, 2024,