"Let’s have a party"

Dublin Core


"Let’s have a party"


"The holiday of the fourth of July call for a party so bere aro [sic] some suggestions for service and a game.
Orange and ginger ale cocktails
2 c. orange sections
1 1-4. Pale ginger ale
1 tap. Finely chopped mint
Use the orange sections from seedless oranges, fix in 6 sherbert glasses and chill. Before serving cover with cold ginger ale, sprinkle with chopped mint
A salad
Bright, crisp green-lettuce, water-cress,[sic] chicory, cabbage, scallions, tomatoes, dressed in a savoy [sic] coating of oil and vinegar. Tiny cubes of bread crisped to golden crunchiness in olive oil with just an umph [sic] of garlic. And sprinkled generously over the salad before serving.
Sardine Puree Sandwiches
1 large tin sardines ( Fish ).
2 finely-chopped boiled eggs
salt and pepper.
1-4 cup creamed butter
Worcester sauce
Drain oil from the sardines, remove skins and bones and pound to a paste. Rub through a sleve, [sic] mix in creamed butter and eggs, season to taste, use at once.
Peppermint stick mousse
1 can evaporated milk (large)
1 cup water
1 cup peppermint sticks
2 egg whites
2 tablespoons sugar
1-2 teaspoon vanilla
Pinch salt
Scald evaporated milk in top of a double boiler and chill until very cold. Dissolve peppermint candy in water and chill also, beat evaporated milk in a chilled bowl until stiff. Beat eggs until stiff. Add sugar and finally fold three mixtures together. Freeze without stirring, serves 8-10
Two hearts that beat as one
Cut enough hearts from an old deck of cards to supply one to each player and have one extra. Paste the extra heart on a piece of soft cloth about a half yard square and tack the cloth on the wall. Blindfold and give each a heart with a pin through it and turn each around three times start each toward the square and let each try to one the heart over the one on the cloth"




The Chicago Defender






N/A, “"Let’s have a party",” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 3, 2024, https://africanamerican4th.omeka.net/items/show/207.