Victims of the Fourth: List of Fatalities Is Smaller Than In Any Preceding Year, p. 1

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Victims of the Fourth: List of Fatalities Is Smaller Than In Any Preceding Year, p. 1


"19 Killed; 427 Injured
In Some Cities the Fourth Was Celebrated in a “Sane” Manner and No Deaths Were Reported.
Chicago, Ill.-- Statistics compiled regarding Fourth of July casualties throughout the country indicate a much smaller list of fatalities and injuries than in any preceding year.
The figures procured after the first day of celebration are:
Dead 19.
By fireworks and resulting fires, 3.
By canon,1.
By firearms, 3.
By gunpowder, 2.
By toy pistols, 10.
Injured 428.
By fireworks, 166.
By canon, 51.
By firearms, 51.
By gunpowder, 59.
By torpedoes, 8.
By toy pistols, 58.
By bomb canon, 9.
By runaways, 14.
Fire loss, $60,200.
In Chicago one man was killed, and there were scores of injuries and small fires.
Washington, D.C.-- With the young American subdued and quiet as on a Sunday, Washingtonians experienced their first “safe and sane” Fourth of July celebration. Not even a tiny firecracker had spoken in a backyard.
The fact that it has not been possible to buy a penny’s worth of fireworks in the city made it a comparatively easy task for the police to enforce the regulations against the individual use of explosives, Arrest threatened anyone who dared disregard the the order if the district commissioners.
Wilkesbarre, Pa. -- A cannon which had been overcharged exploded in North Wilkesbarre, and four boys were so badly injured that two of them may die. Exploding firecrackers set fire to the dress of 10-year-old Rosa Lituske, and she was fatally burned
Louisville, Ky. -- The unenvied distinction of having made the most notable sacrifice to patriotism by the fireworks this year will probably fall to Louisville, through the death at Seymour, Ind., of Arthur Granville Langham, former president of the Provident Life Assurance Society. Mr. Langham never recovered from the effects of having had his right hand shattered by the explosion of a cannon cracker.
Memphis, Tenn. -- In some unexplained manner a spark ignited a large bunch of firecrackers carried in the shirtbosom of little Charles Bedonis, a crippled newsboy, and in a moment the lad was writhing on the ground while the large crackers were exploding about his breast. He was frightfully burned and will probably die.
Baltimore, Md. -- Independence Day here was the quietest in the history of the city. There were no serious accidents reported and but few arrests for violations of the police regulations against the use of dangerous fireworks had been recovered.
Camden, N.J. -- After suffering terrible agony, Ruth T. Knowles, the six-year-old daughter of Henry Henry Knowles, who was burned about the back and neck when her dress caught fire from fireworks, died at the Cooper Hospital.
Philadelphia, Pa. -- The first death in this city from fireworks was that of Mary Gluvks, two and one-half years old, who died from burns. Her clothing had been ignited by a firecracker.
Toledo, Ohio-- Toledo began its fifth celebration of a “sane” Fourth. Since the discharge of dangerous fireworks was prohibited by city ordinance five years ago, there has not been a serious accident here due to the customary causes, The quiet of Sunday reigned, broken only by the voice of the occasional small firecracker.
Chicago, Ill. -- The promise of a sane celebration was carried out, only thirty-five accidents and one death having been recorded. The record of last year was twelve dead and 114 injured in Chicago alone.
Danville, Va. -- As the result of a mysterious fire which totally destroyed the home of S. 7. Hamlett at South Boston, five of their children and H. A. Strange, aged 74, were burned to death, and another child aged four years seriously injured. Mr. and Mrs. Hamlett escaped without injury.
San Francisco, Cal. -- The Fourth of July celebration in the city was sane and of noiseless variety. The ordinance of prohibiting the sale or discharge of firecrackers and fireworks was rigidly enforced by the police.
New York City.-- Four deaths, 337 injured, nine of them dangerously, and one so seriously that death now seems certain, was the Fourth of July record in New York and Brooklyn.
Fires in city and suburbs were numbered by the score, but none in New York proper did any great damage.
Philadelphia, Pa. -- One death and 380 persons injured is the result of Independence Day celebration in this city. This is a decrease of 70 compared with the list of injured last year."




Savannah Tribune





N/A, “Victims of the Fourth: List of Fatalities Is Smaller Than In Any Preceding Year, p. 1,” African American Fourth of July, accessed April 29, 2024,