Driver Care Urged Over Big Holiday p.3

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Driver Care Urged Over Big Holiday p.3


"Springfield, III. – Secretary of State Paul Powell asked Illinois motorists to show alertness and respect the rules of the road as they take to the highways for the second holiday of the 1966 season – The Fourth of July weekend. “If you are planning to visit with your friends or relatives, drive carefully so that you will get there,”, Powell said. “Just having seat belts in your care is not enough, they are of no use unless they are used. Also make sure your car is in good condition and have it inspected from top to bottom before you leave your home. Protect the lives of your children and others for over them you have the power of life and death.” “It is a tragic affair that last year 49,000 persons, some of them, I’m sure, heads of families, lost their lives on our streets and highways, 2256 of them in Illinois,” Secretary Powell pointed out. So far this year the total of Illinois traffic deaths now stands at 1,112, an increase of 195. “Every driver must be aware of the fact that we all have a deep responsibility to ourselves and to other motorists if we are to reduce the carnage on our highways,” Powell said. “I hope the 5th of July finds you as pleased as you were to welcome the Fourth.” Automobile investigators from the Secretary of State’s office will join with State Police in patrolling the highways over the July 4 weekend, Powell said. Secretary Powell also said that, as vice chairman of the Governor’s Official Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, he concurs it the committee’s suggestion that motorists drive with their headlights on during both daylight and night time hours over the holiday weekend. "




Chicago Defender





N/A, “Driver Care Urged Over Big Holiday p.3,” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 2, 2024,