Driving Tips for A Safe July 4th, p. 5

Dublin Core


Driving Tips for A Safe July 4th, p. 5


"As millions of fun-seeking motorists head for the lakes, mountains or beaches over the Fourth of July holiday, safety experts are hopeful that extra are and caution will keep the highways accident toll at an all-time low.
To help achieve this goal Jeanne Smith, Dodge safety consultant has prepared this list of 10 driving tips.
1. Control your temper when behind the wheel. Highways are crowed, and travel is slow; don’t “blow-up” and take unnecessary chances.
2. Start early, expect frequent delays and leave for home early; preferably doing daylight.
3. Watch out for careless drivers who are over-anxious to reach their destinations.
4. Slow down, to allow passing cars extra room to get back into the right lane ahead of you.
5. Always give the other driver more than this share of the road.
6. Get into the proper lane well in advance of turning – and always signal your intentions to turn or stop.
7. Pull your car entirely off the road when stopping for sightseeing or a roadside picnic.
8. Check traffic in all directions, especially to the rear, before pulling out of a parking spot onto the highway.
9. Reduce speed at sundown and drive within the range of your headlights."




Arkansas State Press






N/A, “Driving Tips for A Safe July 4th, p. 5,” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 2, 2024, https://africanamerican4th.omeka.net/items/show/378.