National GRAPEVINE: Let Freedom Ring, p. 10

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National GRAPEVINE: Let Freedom Ring, p. 10


"It [ill.], but nevertheless, significant that the Republican National Convention held this week in Chicago should follow so closely on the heels of the 176th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

It also [is significant that] the Party should have chosen its arch saboteur of human freedom–Senator Joseph McCarthy–to address the Convention to the exclusion of such GOP champions of liberty and justice as Senators Margaret Chase Smith, Morse and Ives. Or, that it should have brushed off the titular head of the Party, Gov. Tom Dewey. The Party, by its choice of McCarthy and other filchers of freedom like Senators Cain, Judd and Bridges to set the GOP sails for another four years, serves notice on all decent loyal Americans that the law of smear and lies is now embraced, in fact, as the Republican platform.

McCarthyism has so intimidated the citizens in the Senator’s home town that they are afraid to attend a political rally for fear of being smeared as subversives, an observer in those parts recently reported.

The other day in the Republican stronghold of Dowagiac, Mich., three prominent young women were skeptical about ringing doorbells to stimulate Democratic Party registration, because they would be called Communists and socally [sic] ostracized in this little resort town.

Drew Pearson reported in a recent column that only one out of 112 persons attending a Fourth of July celebration in Madison, Wis., were willing to sign a petition embodying the wording of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, because it had to do with freedom and McCarthyism has made freedom and Communism synonymous in the minds of millions of frightened Americans.

The other day, we suggested to a fine young American who comes from a long line of Negro Republicans in Detroit that he and other young Americans do something about their Party and its senses. Disconsolately, he admitted that you couldn’t make a dent in the Party’s reactionary surface. Which suggests that a remedy was set forth in the Declaration of Independence, with a clear mandate to the people when it said, that in order to safeguard the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness “... Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such forms, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” Well, whadda we waiting for."




The Chicago Defender





N/A, “National GRAPEVINE: Let Freedom Ring, p. 10,” African American Fourth of July, accessed April 30, 2024,