State Of Maryland Calls These Two Beaches At Sandy Point Equal! p.22

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State Of Maryland Calls These Two Beaches At Sandy Point Equal! p.22


"This is South Beach which the state of Maryland has designated for sole use of white person. Unlike East Beach, for colored. This wide expanse of sand and he looks at East Beach is what the state of Maryland contents is “equal or superior “ to South Beach. The long natural shore line is extremely well suited to bathing, and slopes into the water gradually as most well-designed beach is due. On Wednesday day workman we’re still trying to get the beach and condition to pass casual inspection.
State holds out for Jim Crow beach
Everybody suffers while case returns to federal court
Rather then open Sandy. On an integrated bases the state of Maryland chose to keep the gates of the million dollar part closed for the Fourth of July weekend.
The action came after judge W Calvin Chestnut, in the US District Court, refused to hear arguments on a request to vacate an injunction he recently issued banning use of the segregated facilities at Sandy Point.
State officials, angered over there failure to have the injunction lifted, indicated that the plaintiff’s and the NAACP would be held responsible for the park been closed.
Didn’t ask closing
Linwood Kroger a junior, NAACP attorney, immediately issued a statement, saying: “ I requested Mr. Peverly to open all beaches in facilities at Sandy Point To everyone regardless of race. We are not asking the governor or his commission to close the beaches, but to open them on unsegregated basis to everyone. “
Miss Juanita Mitchell, NAACP attorney, also accuse the state officials of not acting in “good faith. “She was referring to a sworn affidavit filed with the case in which the state chairman of forests and park stated that: “the work contemplated by the contract for improvement of East Beach at Sandy Point State Park has been completed… “
Statement “not true “
“That is not true, “declared Miss Mitchell, “because even during the inspection tour there we’re workman with tractors and bulldozers still at work on East Beach. We’ve got pictures to prove it. “ State officials, including the Attorney General, had requested that the injunction be removed after contending that facilities at East Beach, designated for color use, were “equal if not superior to those found on South Beach. “
Hearing on this request was set for 10 AM Thursday morning and judge Chestnut Court. Representing the state of Maryland at the proposed hearing where W Giles Parker assistant attorney general and Sydney preferably, chairman of forests and parks and minor state officials hearing on this request was set for 10 AM Thursday morning and judge Chestnut Court. Representing the state of Maryland at the proposed hearing where W. Guiles Parker, assistant attorney general, Sydney Peverley, chairman of forests and parks in minor state officials, Tucker daring, and Mrs. Mitchell: Beau and Jackson, NAACP coordinator, and several plaintiffs in the case were also present.
Just before time set for the start of the hearing, judge chestnut told Mr. Koger that he was under the impression that the NAACP had agreed to allow the state to vacate the injunction.
Does not here case
On finding this was not so the distinguish tourist refused to hear arguments on the injunction from either side and directed the NAACP attorneys to be allowed time to file an answer to the states request.
After judge just not made known his decision, NAACP counsel cornered Peverley Parker, Joseph Kaylor, director of force and parks and other officials and a quarter outside the courtroom.
Remind in them that judge chestnut ornament that Sandy. Must remain closed over the Fourth of July weekend, the NAACP lawyers as the state officials to open Sandy point for the holiday on a fully integrated basis.
Quote If that is done, “declare Mr. Koger “We will gladly agreed in and order vacating the injunction. “
Probably Parker and Company shouted a shocked “No. “
After making this flat denial parker then back to the NAACP lawyers to “let us open up on the fourth. “
The lawyers were adamant, however, and refused to reconsider and less Peverly or Kaylor would agree to throw open the gates at South Beach – restricted for Wyatt’s – to all citizens, irrespective of race.
This was again flatly rejected, this time by Peverley.
Asks for meeting
Mr. Coger then said: “your only one man, why don’t you call a meeting of your committee and let them vote on the issue.”
When Parker begin: “that would be pretty hard to do, as some of them are on vacation – Peverly then interrupted saying: “no, I’m sure they wouldn’t even consider that. “
With this impasse, NAACP attorney left the courthouse.
When judge Chestnut issued the injunction on June 15, state officials were faced with the dilemma of either opening the Sandy Point Park to all races, or to remain closed.
Shortly afterwards, Sandy point Was closed and order that a “sewer break“ could be repaired.
Meanwhile an emergency appropriation of $36,000 was granted by the department of public works to improve facilities at East Beach.
Earlier this week, top rankings state officials issued the announcement that Sadie. Would be open for the Fourth of July weekend.
East Beach Inspected
On Monday Mr. Koger received a letter from Parker asking him to agree to vacate the injunction. Koger refused and received another letter that same day invited him and other NAACP counselors to make an inspection of your speech Wednesday morning.
Included in the group making the inspection we’re governor Mckeldin, Boden Jackson, NAACP Coordinator; Miss Juanita Michelle and Tucker Dearing, NAACP attorneys, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Peverley, Nathan Smith, Director of Public Works: G.O. Billmire, Smith‘s assistant; E Rollins, Attorney General, and Mr. Parker.
During my inspection of the beach it was revealed that 31,000 tons of San had been transported to East Beach and a caravan of trucks, and 3,000 yards of (tools)in muck dredge from the water.
It was also revealed that the original $36,000 appropriation had been exceeded by $10,000, making it a total of $46,000.
Work pleases McKeldin
After the inspection during which Miss Mitchell insisted that you speech was still not equal to South Beach, Governor McKeldin complemented the contractor E. Asher, for doing “a swell job” of work done on East Beach.
When Billmire was extolling the magnificence of East Beach, “why it’s much better than South Beach, “ Mrs. Mitchell asked:
“Under oath, Mr. Billmire, you have said it would take as much as $100,000 to make it beach equal to South Beach. How you explain that it has been done for dollar sign 36,000. What caused the difference in figures? “
Billmire gave a nervous laugh, but never answer the question."




Baltimore Afro-American





N/A, “State Of Maryland Calls These Two Beaches At Sandy Point Equal! p.22,” African American Fourth of July, accessed April 26, 2024,