Recalls of Attack of Late Justice on U.S Bigotry p.7

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Recalls of Attack of Late Justice on U.S Bigotry p.7


Speaking before a throng of people one fourth of July in Hollywood Bowl, the late Associate Justice Frank Murphy of the U.S. Supreme Court, used strong language against American fanatics who are spreading racial hate and religious bigotry. He declared that Americans must become alert to symptoms of moral decay, and that they must recognize the centers of infection those who espouse any cause or causes likely to disturb the laws of the land. This is still true today.
The whole concept of Justice Murphy’s address tended to indict such characters as the Ku Klux Klan and all of its subsidiaries including Senators Eastland, Bilbo, and Congressman Rankin who by reason of the poll tax, have been able to continuously re-elect themselves by voting of small percentage of the people in their districts.
Among other things, Justice Murphy condemned “the exaltation of any race, or any nationality, as superior to others; the claim of special monopoly rights or privileges for a favored group on the basis of birth and blood, rather than merit; the denial of the right of minority groups to compete in any way with the privileged group,and, [sic]
“The disparagement of free speech, press, religion and assembly; contempt for parliamentary institutions, the right of dictatorship rationalized as the leadership principle; the depreciation of peace as decadent and glorification of war; the justification of any means, no matter how ruthless, to gain a desired end; the denial of the human being and the oneness and solidarity of humanity.
This observation will bring to the attention of the American people the fact that the enlightened people of the nation, those who believe in justice and fair play, do not join with that character of white people in America whose thinking and social views have their origin in the cess pools [sic] of corruption, distress and hatred.
Senator Eastland’s attack on the bravery and courage of Negro Soldiers-- although without truth, foundation, or fact -- will stand as an exposition of infamy unparalleled in the Congressional records of America. No one denies him the right to have opposed the FEPC bill if he so desired. The regrettable thing is that he followed such low and degrading channels in his efforts to find the class of argument to suit his political purposes. Not only the Negro soldier has been insulted and the Negro race defamed, but the United States Senate itself, in establishing the character of those who represent the Senate in its deliberation, has suffered greatly in the estimation of the world.
It will be hard for those South American nations and others who are not of “the superior white race,” to believe in the new character which we are now called upon to interpret, explain and establish into a world institution. These nations would be justified in thinking that if America, through its law givers in Washington, failed and refused justice to its own citizens, in denying them the rights of economic progress and political fair play at home, they could not reach the point of proper thinking whereby they will do justice to other nations.
It is not strange that Russia should be suspicious, or in fact, that any other nation would be suspicious of America. We lay a ground for suspicion in our double-cross. Words are one thing and deeds another. Charity should begin at home; we should be able to show the world a higher concept of social, economic and religious environment in our own country before we flare forth to carry civilization elsewhere.


Fields, A.N.


Chicago Defender





Fields, A.N., “Recalls of Attack of Late Justice on U.S Bigotry p.7,” African American Fourth of July, accessed April 25, 2024,