Blood! Lagol! Blood!

Dublin Core


Blood! Lagol! Blood!


"The sickening details of the murdering of innocent colored men at Harnburg, S. C., while celebrating the 4th of July, by white men who crossed from Georgia, is horrible to say the least. We reluctantly desire to hoist the bloody shirt, but in the name of 4,000,000 colored men we cannot stand and see them butchered without uttering our protest and calling on Gen. Grant for protection. The following extracts we take from a Democrat paper, the Charleston News:
Assuming that the accounts of the Hamburg fight given by the Augusta newspapers are in the main, correct, we find little, if any, excuse for the conflict itself, and absolutely none for the cowardly killing of the seven negro prisoners who were shot down like rabbits long after they had surrendered.
Even this paper finds no excuse for the cowardly killing, and further says that.
The presence of armed bodies of negros is a menace to any community, but we do not understand that the danger was such as to justify the whites in demanding the surrender of the arms, in laying siege to the house in which the negroes took refuge, and killing the negroes who attempted to escape.
They further find nothing to justify."




The Savannah Tribune





N/A, “Blood! Lagol! Blood!,” African American Fourth of July, accessed April 25, 2024,