Shiloh News Notes
pg. 4

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Shiloh News Notes
pg. 4


“In spite of the hot weather, which was almost unbearable, a large audience was present last Sunday morning at Shiloh Baptist Church (“Stranger’s Home”), to hear the timely, scholarly, and very practical sermon by our pastor, Rev. Dr. J. Milton Waldron on “Lessons From the Tulsa Riot.” There were a number of white citizens in the audience and hundreds of members from all walks of life among our own people. The congregation followed the sermon with intense interest and sanctioned the masterly appeal made by the pastor to every well thinking American to do all in his or her power to destroy the mob spirit and the reign of lawlessness before these things destroy the nation.
Dr. Waldron said: “Had the pastors and churches, white and black, in Tulsa, done their duty six months ago in condemning crime, greed, lawlessness, race hatred and race prejudice, the proudest republic in the world would not today be hanging its head in shame, because of the blackest crime in the presentday annals of America.
Next Sunday morning Dr. Waldron will preach upon the subject: Called to Be Saints.” This is the first sermon in a series which he is planning to preach on the Book of Corinthians, and it will be exceedingly interesting. At night the Lord’s Supper will be observed and the hand of fellowship given to members, and a real soul-uplifting service is promised all who attend.
Because of the storm last Sunday night the Centennial Celebration of the Life and Work of Lott Carey in Liberia had to be postponed until the second Sunday night in July, at which time a very interesting and instructive program will be carried out by the Missionary Circle. Mrs. M. M. Waldron, President, and the following ladies, namely: Mesdames Oliver Barksdale, Lucy Jackson, M. P. Banks, Josephine C. Smith, Louise Thomas, P. H. Donoho, G. Harkum, Carrie Green and Mary R. Reid.
The Sunday School and Christian Endeavor are planning for an all-day outing at the Zoological Park on the Fourth of July. They usually carry a large crowd and have a splendid time. The members and friends of these organizations and the church as well are invited to accompany the Sunday School and Christian Endeavor on this outing.
Shiloh Church sent $50.00 this week to aid the sufferers who were burned out in the Tulsa riot recently. The church has just closed its fifteen hundred dollar rally, and the pastor and officers are pleased with the success met in this special effort.
Among those of Shiloh Baptist Church, who are planning to attend the World Christian Endeavor Convention in New York next week are: The pastor, Rev. Dr. J. Milton Waldron; President of the Christian Endeavor, Mrs. M. G. Harris; the Vice President, Mrs. Emma J. Fisher; the Superintendent of the Juniors, Mr. Frank S. Reid, Jr.; Assistant Deacon, John Harris, and Miss Ella G. Standard. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will motor to and from New York, making their visit to the Conference not only a business trip, but one of recreation and health.
The Committee on Publicity.”




Washington Bee





N/A , “Shiloh News Notes
pg. 4,” African American Fourth of July, accessed April 23, 2024,