Negro Doughboys Mark 4th With Gay London Dance, p. 2

Dublin Core


Negro Doughboys Mark 4th With Gay London Dance, p. 2


"LONDON – (Exclusive) – Large contingents of Afro-doughboys stationed throughout this area journeyed Londonwards over the week-end to celebrate Independence day as hosts to their English girl friends.
Highlight of the festivity was a grand cabaret dance and buffet chicken supper at the Duchess Red Cross club, following a sight-seeing tour of historical places. The program was sponsored by Club Directors Leonard Hill and Milton Larry, both of Washington, D.C. Hot music was provided by a West Indian band under the direction of Cyril Blake.
To commemorate the occasion a delegation of Dixie Boys, composed of Sergeants Ernest Smith, Philadelphia; Wendell Bowser, Elizabeth City, N.C.; James Robertson, New Orleans, La; and Walter Cannon, Alexandria, La., presented, on behalf of the engineer unit, $500 to the British Orphan fund.
Presenting the check, Smith said, “We hope this money can sponsor a colored child orphaned by the air raids and we certainly are proud to have been able to raise the money.” Smith revealed that his company is the first colored unit to become 100 per cent insured and that it leading all others in bond purchases."


George Padmore


The Chicago Defender





George Padmore, “Negro Doughboys Mark 4th With Gay London Dance, p. 2,” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 1, 2024,