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“Sunday. June 17, S. S. opened on time, officers present, after the teachers explained the lesson. Review by Pastor. 11 a.m., Pastor preached a soul reviving sermon which was enjoyed by all present. 2:30 Busy Workers’ Club met in regular session,…

“Years ago the late Paul Lawrence Dunbar, while living in Chicago, was requested by one of the daily papers to contribute an article on ‘Independence Day’. He did. The title of it was: ‘And yet we celebrate.’ It was a masterpiece in which the colored…

“‘The Negro in public life must master the art of government and unite with the progressive public consistence of this ago. In office he must not merely a Negro job holder but a citizen who has been entrusted with important public functions. Above…


“Mr. and Mrs. Honner Myles and children Dermott, Ark., were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Spivers. News came of the death of Mr. Nesby Mitchell of Little Rock Ark. Miss Jessie Allen who has been seriously ill, is no better; she was carried…

Editor the Defender: The Fourth of July comes and goes and there is very little effort on the part of our public men to teach the people just what that day means, not only to the people in the United States, but to the…
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