Race Legislation; (Speech of Harry E. Davis - Cleveland Civil Service Commissioner at Annual Meeting in Los Angeles), p.6

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Race Legislation; (Speech of Harry E. Davis - Cleveland Civil Service Commissioner at Annual Meeting in Los Angeles), p.6


“‘The Negro in public life must master the art of government and unite with the progressive public consistence of this ago. In office he must not merely a Negro job holder but a citizen who has been entrusted with important public functions. Above all, the Negro legislator must not fall into the common error of thinking his sole obligation is to secure some ‘race legislation’ in order to secure the plaudits of a minority of his constituency.’
‘If you will pardon a personal allusion, I have served four terms in the Ohio General Assembly without finding it necessary to sponsor any so-called “race” legislation. Rather I devoted my best energy to the larger problems affecting the community. I selected a few worth while measures and concentrated upon them. As a result I gained the respect and recommendation of business and civic organizations and the public press.’”




Baltimore Afro-American






N/A, “Race Legislation; (Speech of Harry E. Davis - Cleveland Civil Service Commissioner at Annual Meeting in Los Angeles), p.6,” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 2, 2024, https://africanamerican4th.omeka.net/items/show/321.