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“NEW YORK - Forty silver medallions that were to be presented to the nation’s top athletes as the special Fourth of July weekend salute were stolen Thursday from a delivery van outside the Jacob Javits Conventions Center, police said.

“NEW YORK (UPI) - Several groups representing minorities have announced plans to ignore the official centennial for the Statue of Liberty and holds parties that celebrate more than just “America’s white past.”
“The French gave us the statue as an…

“The Fourth of July Statue of Liberty centennial should be more than a media event buried under a mountain of hoopla, gliza, and commercialism.
Instead, it should be a time to reflect on the symbolic meaning of the Statue which holds aloft the…

“NEW YORK (UPI) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson charged Friday that the Liberty Weekend festival ignores thousands of homeless “huddled masses” in New York CIty and threatened to live with homeless people during the celebration.
Jackson addressed…

“Dear AFRO.
The 4th of July will be celebrated with all of the gusto white American muster. This is most fitting and proper. I would not scold you (black America) if you joined the celebration; but I deem it is my duty to tell you the truth of the…
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