Y.M.C.A Celebrates Fourth of July, p. 1

Dublin Core


Y.M.C.A Celebrates Fourth of July, p. 1


"Without a ripple of trouble, the faithful members of the YMCA gave its first out door [sic] entertainment last Monday under the supervision of Capt. W. J. Hutchinson. He called it an Old Fashioned Barbeque; and, of Old Fashion means something good: “the Barbeque was Old Fashioned. Then it was such a pleasant and sociable people until the whole day passed unnoticed. In spite of the many attractions we had large numbers and choice guests all day, eating, drinking and fanning for the City Tournament which eliminated all the amateurs early, then came the real players, when the four doctors met to decide the double championship. Contested from every point of merit and showing every sign of shill as they battled, but one side had to win and one side did win and Doctors P.M. Bell and A.K. Lawrence were winners. Of course Mr. B.N. Hunigan holds the championship for singles as he is head of the class when it comes to tennis playing and won on the 4th as usual. Mrs. G. Walton and her partner won the champion croquet game. The games were contested in the best of Christian spirit and everybody enjoyed the outing and YMCA go a real hearing in Wichita, for social entertaining."




Negro Star





N/A, “Y.M.C.A Celebrates Fourth of July, p. 1,” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 4, 2024, https://africanamerican4th.omeka.net/items/show/141.