Why Can’t We be Let Alone

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Why Can’t We be Let Alone


"The reporter who wrote up the disturbance on July 4th at McKinley Park (for Negroes,) when a car of whites went out of their way to molest a picnic group, deemed it funny or a joke, when we give it a very serious ratinng. To begin with it was not a fried chicken picnic, but a barbecue picnic. And as much as we realize the picnic party which included some of the best and outstanding person of our race: minister, dentist, “Y” secretaries families, with others, who should not have interfered, but we can’t even answer for their being that far out of the way, just to cause a disturbance. It is strange that in times like these, when everybody is called to the enemy from without, that our very neighbors are seeking war within. It was a bad situation at best – why misrepresent the affair? Where is our Democracy?"







N/A, “Why Can’t We be Let Alone,” African American Fourth of July, accessed April 28, 2024, https://africanamerican4th.omeka.net/items/show/227.