S. Africa's Apartheid Bypassed p.2

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S. Africa's Apartheid Bypassed p.2


"Washington – (UPI) – The U.S. Aircraft Carrier Independence has cancelled a refueling stop in South Africa later this month because her Negro crew members would be “unwelcome,” according to official sources. No specific reason has been announced for cancellation of the planned stop in Capetown May 28-31. The Defense Department said under questioning only that the visit was called off “for operational reasons.” The State Department would say only that there had been change in plans and declined further comment. The South African Embassy said it knew nothing about the cancellation. It was learned authoritatively, however, that the Navy had been requested by South Africa to restrict the activities of Negro sailors while the ship was in port. Sources said the South Africans had made their request through “diplomatic channels.” On previous occasions U.S. Negro sailors have visited the country’s Negro and “colored” communities, under the South African policy of apartheid, or separation, without any friction. At one point it appeared that the Independence would go ahead with the visit and that all of its personnel would be restricted from going ashore. Military sources said the stop was originally planned as part of a routine deployment of the supercarrier from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. They said other refueling arrangements can be made without difficulty. There was some unofficial speculation that the restriction on Negro personnel was in retaliation for the U.S. inauguration about two years ago of multi-racial invitation list for its diplomatic functions in South Africa. For many years, the U.S. Embissy invited a Negro Bishop in Capetown to its annual Fourth of July celebration. For one reason or another, he always declined and there was no problem. But then the United States, following the British lead, also began inviting members of the Bantu, Colored and Indian communities in defiance of the South African apartheid system. South African government officials began boycotting such embassy functions."




Chicago Defender





N/A, “S. Africa's Apartheid Bypassed p.2,” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 3, 2024, https://africanamerican4th.omeka.net/items/show/389.