Tips on Touring, p. 10

Dublin Core


Tips on Touring, p. 10


"Here’s to a perfect 3-day, Fourth of July weekend: warm, sunny and safe! Good weather makes your holiday more pleasant and these tips about weather and traffic should make it safer. Traffic records show that most accidents happen when the weather is ideal for driving. Here’s the story:
Most accidents occur on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And the vast majority happen during clear weather, on dry roads to cars in good mechanical condition, travelling straight ahead! The worst hours? Between 1 and 6 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m.
And the reason for the most accidents? Exceeding the speed limit. Last year, speeding was responsible for 13,2000 deaths and-hold on to your hats-837,600 injured.
So-for a good wek end be an extra-careful driver. Don’t speed. Give the other fellow the right of way. Don’t try to drive too far in one day-this keeps you out of the “dangerous hours.” Stay in the right lane except when passing, and, when you do pass, check the rear and side-view mirror first. Remember the accident statistics and you won’t become one yourself.
Have a happy-safe and sane- Fourth of July!"


Carol Lane


Arkansas State Press






Carol Lane, “Tips on Touring, p. 10,” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 2, 2024,