The Elevator, p. 3

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The Elevator, p. 3


“We have just had time to overlook the bundle of Honolulu paper presented us by Mr. Edward Parker. Provisional [sic] and Colonial papers are generally uninteresting, and the Sandwich Island journals are no exception. One, however, contains considerable interesting reader matter, from which we this week make a few extracts. The Friend is a neat little quatro, published monthly, and is conducted with much ability. It is handsomely printed, and altogether evinces great taste in its editorial and mechanical departments.
The celebrated our National Anniversary at Honolulu on the 4th of July; and they also celebrated the 31st of July, being the 22nd Anniversary of the “Restoration of the National Flag,” and the re-assumption of power by their native King Kamchameha III.
The Friend is also very liberal on the question which now agitates the American people, i.e., Negro Suffrage. In the notice of the Fourth of July celebration we observe the name of Dr. Gulick as orator on the occasion. This, we believe, is the gentleman who delivered lectures here a few months ago. If so, the selection was very appropriate.”




San Francisco Elevator





N/A, “The Elevator, p. 3,” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 2, 2024,