Safety Hints for Parents, p. 16

Dublin Core


Safety Hints for Parents, p. 16


"Here are some Fourth of July Don’ts that are different. Most Fourth of July Don’t are for children, but here is a list prepared by the national safety council for parents;
Don’t forget that the first proof of Fourth of July patriotism is home safety protection.
Don’t shut your eyes to real Fourth of July hazards, fireworks, automobiles, drownings, fire, firearms, fails, poisons.
Don’t forget that your family might enjoy as a safe and sane Fourth same of the out-of-doors freedom for which our forefathers fought.
Don’t forget, if you want safe fireworks for your children, that community fireworks are often quite wonderful.
Don’t neglect, if you must have home fireworks and noise, to see that your fireworks are the safest that can be found.
Don’t fail to talk frankly with your children, tell them why home fireworks are always dangerous.
Don’t neglect to teach your children that patriotism does not consist in noise and life hazards.
Don’t forget that it’s worth a real effort to plan with your children a Fourth celebration that is exciting but not hazardous.
Don’t fail to prove your community patriotism by helping with a worth-while [sic] community celebration.
Don’t forget, above all, that nearly all Fourth of July accidents can be prevented."




The Chicago Defender





N/A, “Safety Hints for Parents, p. 16,” African American Fourth of July, accessed April 28, 2024,