"Mobile Ala."

Dublin Core


"Mobile Ala."


"Mobile Ala., July 20. A party of letter carriers and friends, headed by S. T. Scott, motored to
Ocean Springs Miss., to spend the Fourth of July. In the party were Mr. And Mrs. W. H. Warren
of Chattanooga Tenn. Revival services were recently successfully conducted at Mt. Zion Baptist
church under the leadership of Rev. Jacob Mcqueen, pastor of the church. A number of
candidates for Baptist and membership were received. Rev. Anderson E. Williams and miss
Thelma Mike, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Samuel Mike, were married on Wednesday July 27.
Rev. S. W. Nichols, pastor of Emanuel A. M. E. church, performed the ceremony. Mrs. R. E.
Sproule, was a delegate to the recently held Eastern Shore Women’s Missionary conference held
at Daphne Ala. Mrs. E. E. Thompson, principal of Maysville school, and her daughter Mrs.
Lucille Fisher, who also teaches in the public schools of the city left Thursday for Los Angeles,
Calif., via New Orleans and El Paso. They will also visit A Century of Progress in Chicago.
Mr. And Mrs. W. H. Warren of Chattanooga Tenn., whom were guests of Mr. And Mrs. Ralph
Taylor of S. Cedar street, returned home Friday. An interesting meeting was held by the Mobile
County Colored Civic League in the auditorium of the Dunbar high school Wednesday. The
Mobile branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people announces an
important meeting to be held at Liberty Baptist church, Ann and Basil streets, on Sunday, July 15
at 3:39 p. m. The branch is vigorously pushing several matters affecting the rights of our people
in community life, and is asking the cooperation of all interested citizens
Gadsen Ala.
Miss Mable Clarke was hostess to a Masquerade party Monday, June 25. Games were played
and refreshments served to misses Christine Talley, Bernice Baker, Margaret Green, Annie and
Ruth Render, Mabel Clarke, Messrs. Jimmy Keith, Henry Aycox, Reed Strong, Sam Vernon,
William Robinson, Mrs. Dewey White, (Alice Bailey), and miss Helen Clarke assisted in the
serving. Miss Margaret Green was hostess to a barnyard party given Monday, July 2, at her
home. Refreshments were served to misses Mabel Clarke, Gladys Kyle, Jean Pettigrew, Ophelia
Cook, Etta Mae Jenkins, Charisie Brown, Annie Render, Ruth Render, Cora green, Tommie Lu
Jackson, Magnella Jackson, Messrs. Sam Vernon Patrick Bettis, Reed Strong and others. The C.
and S. Club met at the home of miss Horton on 4th Ave, Thursday. The President presided. The
ladies were asked by the president to make a dress on sewing day and among those wearing their
dress was Mmes. Townes and Barnes. After business an ice course was served. Mrs. Bell James,
president; Mrs. Virginia Kent, secretary; Mary E. Hadley, reporter."




Chicago Defender






N/A, “"Mobile Ala.",” African American Fourth of July, accessed May 2, 2024, https://africanamerican4th.omeka.net/items/show/371.