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"As millions of fun-seeking motorists head for the lakes, mountains or beaches over the Fourth of July holiday, safety experts are hopeful that extra are and caution will keep the highways accident toll at an all-time low.
To help achieve this…

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"COOKING IS FUN Let George Do It on Fourth of July
Now that “do-it-yourself “ has become and I Stabley should American tradition, or more men or taking an interest of preparing the family meals.
If your husband is slow to fall in step, start…

"July is here it started with a BANG! courtesy of fireworks, and ecstatic that school is out young’uns.
Watermelon, picnics, popsicles, and picnics seem to be the order of the day around these parts. And Bar-B-Que’, you can smell it for miles…

"The fourth of July has come and gone. For most of us in Bel Aire, it was a regular old fashioned day without the danger of fireworks. The small fry were as much in in the fun as the adults. Almost every family worked their barbecue pits full blast.…

"Feasting and frolicking are common on the Furth of July. Here are some novel suggestions that will enhance any culinary celebration:
2 cups milk (not canned)
1 pkg. Raspberry “Junket”
Rennet Powder
Red jelly string
Set out 4 or 5…


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