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"The Tan Ticker Tape...
New York-- The Ravens moved up to No.3 slot on the Sepia Hit Parade over the weekend; the celebrated Dominoes and Nat Cole holding down positions 7 and 2 respectively. The three top tunes of the week: “Sixty Minute Man,”…

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"INDEPENDENCE DAY IS JULY 4… You know it best as the FOURTH OF JULY… It’s a day of celebration and this year we are a bit more jubilant than last year, all because our armies were victorious over the Axis in the European theatre of war, but we must…

“According to Richard B Warton five hundred or more cities intend to follow the district by having a safe and sane Fourth of July.”


“As a way of warning we are asking our people not to get so free as to be reckless on the Fourth of July. It is well known that we usually have more accidents, deaths and injuries on that date than at normal times. We can have a good time and enjoy…

"As millions of fun-seeking motorists head for the lakes, mountains or beaches over the Fourth of July holiday, safety experts are hopeful that extra are and caution will keep the highways accident toll at an all-time low.
To help achieve this…

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"Springfield, III. – Secretary of State Paul Powell asked Illinois motorists to show alertness and respect the rules of the road as they take to the highways for the second holiday of the 1966 season – The Fourth of July weekend. “If you are…

"Parks Crowded With Amusement Seekers
Few Accidents of Serious Nature Many Strangers Among Crowd A Day of Mirth and Merriment Nearest Attempt at Sane Fourth
The Fourth of July, as usual, was very widely observed throughout the city and at the…

CHICAGO, Ill., July 1- Going somewhere over the Fourth of July?
If so, then plan for the trip safely. But even if you stay home, keep safety in mind for the of July holiday- one of the most dangerous, week-ends of the year.
That is the advice of…

“The Inter-Church Camo at Camo Hyde will be held July 1-6, 1929. The churches are asked to send in the name of a boy chosen by them, to G. B. Winston at the Y.M.C.A. The parents are also asked to do the same before June 15th Parents, give your boy a…

"Here are some Fourth of July Don’ts that are different. Most Fourth of July Don’t are for children, but here is a list prepared by the national safety council for parents;
Don’t forget that the first proof of Fourth of July patriotism is home…

"During my boyhood, this coming midnight was for me a delirium of bliss; for on the glorious Fourth my mother allowed me to rise at midnight and go out on the street and yell until breakfast. While that method of entertainment does not appeal to me…

"No doubt every one of you know that Saturday is July 4 (Independence day). Throughout the entire country children and grown-ups will be celebrating this national holiday. In all probability Billikens will come in for their share of good time, but in…

"Special to the Christian Science Monitor, Philadelphia designed to prevent a repetition of the Fourth of July fatality and accident toll, a bill prohibiting individual use of fireworks has been introduced in the House of Representatives at…

"“Don’ts’” for a safe and sane Fourth of July celebration have been listed by Arthur H. Young president of the National Safety council, in appeaking for “a glorious day and not a disastrous one.”

Children particularly should be guarded, he said,…

Major R. R. Moton, principal of Tuskegee Institute, spent a few hours in the city Thursday. He had talks with a number of friends, of whom wished him every success in his new position.

"Annual Fourth of July Event At Druid Hill Park Will Be The Largest Of Its Kind Ever Held
The Safe and Sane celebration of the Fourth of July will be started at one oclock on Tuesday afternoon at Ames Memorial M. E. Church, Carey and Baker…

"Scoutmaster James Patterson, leader of the Boy Scout troop of Ames Memorial M. E. Church, that for the past two years carried off the banner for drilling in the Annual Safe and Sane Fourth of July Celebration, was presented a medal as a source by…

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"With the fourth [sic] of July coming up, Bud hopes that the Billikens everywhere will be extra careful about crossing streets and getting in the way of cars and trucks.

You must be extra careful during the holiday period as most everyone is so…

"How may I celebrate the Fourth of July—and still avoid the possibility of being numbered among scores who will probably be killed, or among the several thousands who will probably be seriously injured?
This is a practical question which the…

"The man who secretly arms himself with a murderous revolver or some other deadly weapon and goes out among people who have gathered for a day’s pleasure starts out wrong. It is in the very air for every American citizen to feel a swelling of the…

"Here’s to a perfect 3-day, Fourth of July weekend: warm, sunny and safe! Good weather makes your holiday more pleasant and these tips about weather and traffic should make it safer. Traffic records show that most accidents happen when the weather is…

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